Club Lottery
Are you a club member, parent/carer of a club member or just interested in Cycle Speedway or the promotion of amateur sport? If so then help us to run and develop the club by joining our lottery.
This started running in April 2005 with the aim of providing the club with a regular income throughout the year. The lottery is based on the bonus ball drawn in the National Lottery every Saturday. It is limited to a maximum of 59 members who are allocated a number between 1- 59 with an entry stake of £1.00 per number per week. The weekly winner is the number which matches the bonus ball drawn each Saturday. The prize money is 50% of the money staked each week with the remaining 50% going to the clubs funds. At present not all numbers are taken up and therefore if the winning number does not match a members allocated number the prize money carries forward to each subsequent week until a match is made.
If you wish to join please contact Rich Pawson, Lottery Organiser for further details. Every attempt will be made to allocate you your chosen numbers(s) however if this is not possible you may be allocated an alternate number(s).
Due to licencing regulations all members must be 16 years of age or over.
Hull Cycle Speedway Club is registered with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council for the purpose of section 5 of the Lotteries and Amusements Act 1976.